الأربعاء، 08 مايو
Available SBA Disaster Recovery Resources - Webinar
Time & Location
08 مايو 2024، 2:00 م – 2:30 م
About the Event
The SBA Disaster Webinar will cover essential topics of disaster resources available to the community, including but not limited to eligibility requirements, interest rates, loan terms and how these resources can be used to assist in disaster recovery.
You will also learn how to access SBDC services such as business education, no-cost 1:1 business consulting, secondary market research services, and more.
The SBA’s cooperation in this event does not constitute or imply their endorsement of any opinions, products or services. All SBA programs are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis.
We will be unable to provide technical assistance for accessing the webinar beginning 30 minutes prior to the start of the webinar.
This webinar will take place using GoToWebinar. You will need to join the webinar via a web browser using either Google Chrome () or Microsoft Edge (), or join using the GoTo App on a mobile device ()https://www.google.com/chrome/https://www.microsoft.com/edgehttps://support.goto.com/meeting/help/goto-app-for-mobile-devices
If you would like to check the compatibility of your computer/mobile device with GoToWebinar, please visit .https://support.goto.com/webinar/system-check-attendee
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested in advance.
Contact for this Webinar: